Foreign citizens officially resident on the territories of the 28 municipalities that are part of the organisation have right and access to all performances and services provided by CSSM without any distinction.

In order to favour and support the access to CSSM services, a free service of intercultural mediation and interpretation is made available to foreigners requesting it or upon assessment by the social workers.

Social services:


Health services are provided by ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale, which is the local health authority):


Mondovì's help desk for immigrants "Rete Servizi - Sportelli Pubblici Immigrati" (Re.S.P.I.) is active from the 30th of July 2018 with the following opening times:

  • on Mondays from 9am to 12pm
  • on Thursdays from 9 am to 12pm

Location: Employment Office in Statuto 13/e, Mondovì. Tel. 0174-559261, e-mail:

For further information refer to Mondovì's website (click here)

The CSSM adheres to the S.P.R.A.R. network (Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) ( and welcomes people under international protection in its facilities, which are located in 13 of the municipalities that are part of the organization.

For further information refer to the S.P.R.A.R. office (Corso Statuto 13, Mondovì).
We recommend you call ahead and take an appointment with the Social Worker Silvana Filippi: +39 0174 676264

The CSSM guarantees to unacccompanied foreign minors the protection and assistence services established by national and regional laws.

For information refer to the territorial offices.

Refer to the regional office of the guarantor authority for Childhood and Adolescence. Go to the website